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Philippine Tabloid


The use of wrong Spanish in Philippine Media

ANC's Channel - 2

Ricky Carandang: ".....para sa inyong mga kuento at komento" is wrong Spanish:

"Cuento (kwento)": Means "children's story" (Ex.: Cinderella)

"Comento (komento)": The correct Spanish noun to use is  "comentario" (commentaries/opinions). As a common noun, this word does not exist. It should be used as a verb - Ex.: Yo comento sobre algo  = I comment on something; comento/comentar = to comment. 

The Pacquiao-Larios Boxing Championship: Instead of "Mano-A-Mano" (Hand-vs-Hand) it should be "Puρo-A-Puρo" (Punyo-A-Punyo = Fist-vs-Fist or Fist-against-Fist) - which is a correct Spanish boxing term.

More soon!

More soon!

Movement for the Purity of Tagalog

To maintain the purity of Tagalog, Taglish and Tagnish, and the evolution to perfection of our language, we must be very vigilant. Whenever a new English or Spanish word is introduced and mass-diffused (Media), we should not invent new words based on the original one "but with a very different meaning" - we should merely adopt the word to Tagalog on condition that it preserves its original meaning. In the case of words like kuwento at komento, for sure ABS-CBN does not mean "....for your children's tales and 'you' comment". It would be better to say: "....para sa inyong mga notisyas at komentaryos".  This may not rhyme much but it is pure.

Our Courts employ the Spanish verb "Apila" (to appeal) yet it would be much better to say "apela" as it corresponds exactly with the original word. Maybe when used as verb it would be better to say "apela" (to appeal) and when it refers to the process "the appeal" (noun), better to use "apelasyon" (in Spanish: Apelacion).

Trivia: If Oxford or Cambridge Dictionary is/are the official English dictionary, what is the Spanish official dictionary? e-mail us!

Trivia: What Tagalog word was officially  incorporated in the Spanish Dictionary (hundreds of years ago)? e-mail us! 

Spanish Origin of Tagalog Words Project


Malacaρang - Malas Caρas (bambu which grows in river beds are bad, useless, humid bambu; name of river-side town in Southern Spain)

• Pianono - Pio Nono (Cake created by bakers to celebrate the election of Pope Pius de IX to the Papacy. The Roman numeral IX (9th.) is "Nono" in high Spanish and "Noveno" in Modern Spanish.
• Kalapati - Calafate (small shipyard) • Barako (Coffee) - Robusta (barako is never used for plants/seeds but for "robust animals" - Baracos are big, strong and healthy males used to inseminate females for better breeds/offsprings)
• Banco de Oro - Banco Dorado - Correctly  said, it should be "Golden Bank" (Banco Dorado) instead of Bank (made) of....Gold (Banco de Oro).   Querida - Amante (lover); querida/o is a general term used to refer to any loved one.
• Bandila - Bandera • Sundalo - Soldado
• Libro - Libro • Lamesa - Mesa or La Mesa
• Silya - SIlla • Baso - Vaso
• Sweldo - Sueldo • Bisita - Visita
• Basura - Basura • Bentilador - Ventilador
• Bintana - Ventana • Barko - Barco
• Martilyo - Martillo • Pantalon - Pantalones
  Sibuyas - Cebolla   Kabayo - Caballo
• Sapatos - Zapatos • Kotse - Coche
• Kastila - Castellano • Rigalo - Regalo
• Kalabos - Calabozo • Pari - Padre
• Komare - Comadre • Misa - Misa
• Limos - Limosna • Barkada - Barcada
• Walang hiya - Sinvergόenza (literal translation) • Inbento - Invento
• Bala - Bala • Kanyon - Caρon
• Karne - Carne • Pasco - Pascuas (it refers to "Holy Week" or Pascal/Passover Season, not Christmas)

Lunis-Martes-Myerkoles-Hueves-Byernes-Sabado-Linggo  ~  Lunes-Martes-Miercoles-Jueves-Viernes-Sabado-Domingo

• Impyerno - Infierno • Parol - Farola
• Susmaryosep - Jesus, Maria y Jose (= Jesus, Mary & Joseph) • Pika-pika - Picar or Picotear (verb used to denote taking an aperitif; pica-pica in Spanish connotes a very hot or spicy food. In Tagalog, it is used as a common noun while in Spanish, as a verb)
• Masyado - Demasiado • Masyao - Demasiao (vulgar form of Demasiado)
• Tsongo - Chongo (Mexican Aztec, not Spanish). In Spanish tsongo is Mono. • Luneta - Luneta (form of a small or half moon or a park, stroll or walk under the moon)


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